The Ability Of Covid-19 Mutant Strains To Spread In The Air Is Getting Stronger

An article recently published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases written by researchers from the University of Maryland showed that with the mutation of the COVID-19 strain, its ability to spread in the air is becoming stronger and stronger, so in addition to In addition to vaccinations, people must also provide better ventilation and wear masks to help stop the spread of the virus.

Researchers at the University of Maryland came to this conclusion after studying the Alpha variant that triggered the devastating second wave of the British epidemic in January this year.

The researchers recruited several experimenters who were infected with Alpha and early virus strains between May 2020 and April 2021.

They found that people infected with Alpha virus breathe out 43 to 100 times more virus than patients infected with early strains, depending on the type of particles observed by the experts.

But they found that after wearing a mask, the amount of virus exhaled by the infected person decreased by 48%.

Researchers have not yet recruited people infected with the Delta strain for research. But the researchers claim that because the Delta strain is more contagious, its ability to spread in the air should be stronger than Alpha.

The lead author of the article, Dr. Milton, said: “Our research shows that these variants are becoming more and more capable of spreading in the air. Therefore, in addition to vaccination, we must also provide better ventilation and wear protective masks. To help stop the spread of the virus."

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